
An active network of OD professionals committed to share and advance the OD tools and practices to support organizational effectiveness.


The OLDN exist to facilitate leading edge insight and practice in OD through OD-informed publications, the provision of a platform for information exchange, a forum for debate on organization leadership & development issues and a network of emerging and existing OD professionals. The network promotes competency-based networking, education and collaboration in organization leadership and development.


Excellence, Respect, Integrity, Professionalism, Continuous Development

Network Community

The Centre for Organization Leadership & Development (COLD) invites you to be part of our Organization Leadership & Development Network – Zimbabwe (OLDN-ZIM). Register, become a member, learn and start advancing the OD field.

The Organization Leadership & Development Network – Zimbabwe (OLDN-ZIM) is a platform for OD professionals, consultants, practitioners, academics, students, and social scientists to advance the theory and practice of organization development in order to transform the corporate sector. Through the provision of OD informed publications, workshops, seminars, and conferences OLDN-Zim is a platform for information exchange, forum for debate on OD issues and a network of emerging OD practitioners. The platform will facilitate leading edge insight and practice in OD and leadership effectiveness.

The OLDN-ZIM is an affiliate of the Centre for Organization Leadership & Development (COLD).

Strategic Objectives

  • To promote structures, systems, processes, and practices that strengthen the corporate sector
  • To strengthen the capacity of OD professionals in leading consistent and sustainable transformation in the corporate sector
  • To motivate, unify and empower existing and aspiring OD professionals to be active in OD initiatives and implementation
  • To strengthen synergies and collaboration among OD professionals in Zimbabwe and globally
  • To research and share knowledge, know-how and best practices in the field of OD
  • To contribute to sustainable prosperity of the Zimbabwean society through the creation of high-performance organizations

  • Defining Values

  • Global intelligence to facilitate leading edge insight and practice in OD
  • Inclusion of people, ideas, disciplines, perspectives, and cultures as a strategy to open inquiry through incorporating diversity
  • Ongoing personal and practitioner development embedded in the spirit of dialogic inquiry
  • Democratic and dialogic approaches to organization development initiatives and interventions
  • Networking with a global network of mission-critical individuals and organizations as a strategy to strengthen capacity for renewal and transformation
  • Zest in designing and delivering OD activities in order to build collaborative and healthy organizations
  • Igniting insightful OD conversations that strengthen synergies and collaboration among OD practitioners and organizations
  • Maximizing the potential of individuals, work groups, and organizations

  • OLDN-ZIM Indicative Activities

  • OD Network formation
  • Annual OD conferences
  • OD Workshops & Seminars
  • Quarterly face-to-face meetings on OD topics
  • Interviews with HR/OD leaders
  • Publications on organization leadership and development

  • Impact Assessment

  • Research in order to break current frameworks and see to the advancement of processes and their purposes in the context of Zimbabwe. We endeavour to introduce and penetrate OD theory and practices in Zimbabwe and across the globe
  • Sharing of best practices from the region and beyond
  • Advance learning of OD theory, principles and practices
  • Dissemination of information in the field of OD
  • Nurture OD professionals to share OD practices and tools to support organization and leadership effectiveness.

  • Membership Benefits

    The OLDN-Zim offers benefits focused on creating opportunities for continuous learning & networking with OD Professionals.

  • Free Access to COLD Webinars
  • Access to COLD Articles and Publications
  • Membership discount on Annual COLD Conferences
  • Networking opportunity with OD Professionals Globally
  • Member profiling on COLD Newsletters
  • Continuing professional development embedded in OD theory and practice

  • Strategic Priorities

    The following strategic priorities will be pursued in liaison with the global corporate sector:

  • Creation of a communication and branding strategy
  • Creation of a committee and professional development plan
  • Develop a membership plan
  • Develop a partnership and strategic alliances plan
  • Creation of an implementation and monitoring plan

  • Membership Fees

  • Professional Members - $90 per annum
  • Student Members - $60 per annum
  • Register and become a member by writing to